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Sacred Flow

Vivian Choi Sacred Flow


18.00 - 19.15

Sacred Flow is a form of yoga that comes from a source within me. Sharing this is a personal revelation of my own evolving journey on the path of the Feminine.


This practice will allow you to deepen into an intimate connection to Nature through tending your own inner wilderness and opening up to seeing the sacred in the everyday. This practice encourages us to move towards the truth of who we are, letting our outer expression to come into being and giving it a voice.


It is an alchemy of breathwork, flow yoga, intuitive movement, shamanic principles, voice activation, tribal beats and Womb / Hara practices. We do this to awaken Shakti energy, allowing it to rise up and flow out in individual expression. A deep dive into listening and intuition through movement and breath, breaking down any blocks / beliefs along the way that stops our outer expression from flowing forward. Come and join me for this 4 week course and see where this exploration may take you.

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About Vivian Choi

With over 1200 hrs of education and almost 10 years of teaching experience, she has never lost her eyes of wonder when it comes to the practice. Come to her classes to embody joy and curiosity, open the heart, connect to Earth and have the time to breathe through it all.

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